Lean Thinking and Methodologies is a skill that can be applied through any business service line, and the sooner your organization can integrate lean into the culture, the sooner you can cut cost and increase revenue. We provide comprehensive training programs focused on reducing waste and cutting costs throughout your organization. Your leaders will gain critical skills to lead a more lean organization and raise the standards for your workforce.
This is a great opportunity to create Lean thinking and Lean processes in your organization's culture. By providing Lean training to your leaders and key influencers, you can streamline your business operations, reduce waste and increase productivity without any more costs. This is the most effective way to increase productivity while leveraging the talent within your organization.
4-Hour Training:
This option will prepare you and your team to learn and apply basic lean tools to begin improving your operational processes. We will cover the 5 principles of Lean, how to identify and remove 8 types of waste in your processes, as well as creating continuous flow and value added work in your organization.
8-Hour Training:
This option will equip you and your team not only with the tools you need to apply lean thinking in your organization, but also the tools to implement comprehensive Lean assessments within your organization. The morning will be spent learning and applying tools that will equip you to effectively assess your organization's Lean needs. The afternoon will be spent providing you the tools you will need to perform 5s projects, kaizen events and use data to demonstrate your Lean tools.
Objectives of Lean:
• Learn and apply LEAN tools to improve processes/workflows
• Adapt a LEAN culture and mindset in your organization
• Understand Lean Methodologies and be able to communicate it effectively
• Understand 5 principles of Lean
• Understand 8 types of waste
As with all our products, we are able to accommodate our trainings and certifications to your organization's priorities and schedule.